Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today I was the only one in my class to NOT do the wod prescribed, which means I didn't get a little red star by my name. Childish, maybe, but I am humbled to say I almost cried whilst there at the gym, in front of a woman who has a 6-week old baby. I'm sure THAT would have gone over well. Said woman told me, "Stress cock-blocks your fat loss".
Stress may be disguised as the nightmare I had two nights ago about losing it and eating whatever I wanted and everyone was very disappointed in me. In my mind I hear the realists: "Beating cancer is hard. This is not hard."
True. It isn't the food so much as the workouts. I've had to drop weight, my running sucks, and I just cannot seem to move fast at all. In my mind I also know that I would not have done 75 deadlifts at my body weight today. With that said, I've done deadlifts with my body weight before. It's the push and pull in my brain that gets me. But I also have a husband who thinks I'm over-analyzing every. little. thing. And that I need to get over it. The path is worth it.
Short term goal: Give 100% tomorrow at the gym and not worry about comparisons.


  1. What an amazing short term goal! Stress definitely is a a hinder in so many things, so do a little test for me...
    (I only know the outside appearance of your life so you will be the true judge of this.)Take a look at your everyday life: 3 beautiful children (that can drive you crazy), handsome, loving husband (that can drive you crazy), a beautiful woman with SO many talents (that you will always have the pleasure of being), a roof over your head (now that it is fixed), food in your bellies (maybe not krispy kreme), no extreme diseases or illness, employment and a vehicle or two that runs (hopefully).
    If the worst thing that can happen in your day is a horrible craving, lighter weight at the gym with no red star, or even feeling like you are in a room eating alone...THEN YOUR LIFE ROCKS!!
    You are truly an Amazing woman and only that needs to be said in a time of a friends need for support. XOXOXO
