Sunday, October 17, 2010


For the past 19 days I have stayed true to strict Paleo. Even though I have ventured out of the house to visit others, it has only been for an hour or so, and I have planned accordingly with my own snacks or arriving full. Today, however, the true test was given because I went to two different parties. One was a child’s party with cake and ice cream and the other was a friend’s house with chicken enchiladas. First and foremost: I did not sway. The smell of the icing at the birthday party did make me salivate, but I didn’t even have a taste.

Fueled by confidence this evening, I called to see if my girlfriend would be offended if I brought my own gluten-free/dairy-free enchiladas and dessert. She was absolutely fine with it. Her support was so freeing I almost wept.

I can feel the negativity of others. I can feel their thoughts. It sounds totally corny, but I read my “Whole30” folder from my trainer before I went to the birthday party. There’s an entire section titled, “How to Beat the Skeptics”. I didn’t read it simply because I was going to politely turn down cake and ice cream. I read it as my mantra.

You know when people preface a sentence with, “I don’t want to sound mean”, or, “I mean this in the kindest way,” and my personal favorite, “I don’t understand why...”, you are in for a special treat on how they think you are crazy. It vexes me. It makes me terribly vexed. My body issues are MY OWN and I WANT to perform my best. I WANT to do as many burpees in 20 minutes as the woman who has a 7 week old infant. I DO NOT want people to consider me as the Blue Falcon in a team workout. Not only are many more things on my list, but the fact that I feel fantastic doesn’t even seem to cease these skeptics. As these statements have been made to me, I really have had to fight back tears...and ANGER. What I WANT to say is: I’ve already lost 4 pounds, 2 inches, and all the bloating that I had at bedtime. I no longer look 6 months pregnant when I go to bed. And then I want to scream, “CAN’T YOU SEE? AREN’T I, AS MYSELF, ENCOURAGEMENT ENOUGH FOR YOU TO GET OFF YOUR ASS AND MAKE CHANGES FOR YOU, INSTEAD OF MAKING FUN OF ME?” But I don’t. I don’t scream, rant or quote Robb Wolf or Loren Cordain. I simply am.

I have thrown out the old food pyramid and learned that I can make a fabulous meal without feeling a hint of sacrifice. Yes, the smell of freshly baked bread makes my eyes water with mournful tears sometimes, then I remember all the trials my body had with grains. It’s a process and one I am willing to fight for. Instead of feeling like there are so many things I’ve given up, I am focusing on all the new things I’ve learned to love. Soon, hopefully, my body will learn that it’s not going to get carbs from grains anymore and will start eating the fat I want it to. That’s my focus.

My name is Angela Denise Cobb, commander of the foodies in this household, general of the weekly menus, loyal servant to good health. Mother to three innocents, wife to a meritorious sous chef, and I will change our lives, with this challenge. Now is the time, the gauntlet is down. Meet me at the box. Strength and honor.