Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Finish Line in Sight!

The countdown is upon me. The last measurement is this Saturday, Nov 20. When I was measured last Monday, Nov 8, I was down 4.2% total. I started at 24.5% and was 20.3% last week.

And then I went to Vegas.

Hopefully I did not kill all my chances of even placing in the competition, but we shall see on Saturday. I am now, since returning from Vegas, on a liquid diet, which included nuts and dates. Much different, I assure you, from the liquid diet of which I did partake in Vegas.

Just a few sheets to the wind the first night

Honestly, we really didn't eat many bad things for us. We just drank very bad things for us. Many bad things. Wine, martinis, wine. I am very proud to say that I walked myself on my own in 3 inch heels to our room, both nights. Okay, to our floor. It wasn't the consumption but the friggin' heels that were killing me.

My sweet husband took me to see Phantom and it was amazing. I remembered to wear shorter heels that night. We had a blast and now I am back on The Path. We'll see if I can undo some of the damage!!


  1. you go girl! You've done so well. It's a bigger journey than just this next measurement.
